Naked Angel di Joe R. Lansdale

Naked Angel

A breve, il sei giugno prossimo, uscirà un’antologia in ebook, intitolata L.A. Noire: The Collected Stories in cui comparirà un racconto di Lansdale. Per ora potete godervi il racconto intero online Naked Angel, in lingua originale ovviamente, sul sito Complex.

Deep in the alley, lit by the beam of the patrolman’s flashlight, she looked like a naked angel in midflight, sky-swimming toward a dark heaven.

One arm reached up as if to pull air. Her head was lifted and her shoulder-length blond hair was as solid as a helmet. Her face was smooth and snow white. Her eyes were blue ice. Her body was well shaped. One sweet knee was lifted like she had just pushed off from the earth. There was a birthmark on it that looked like a dog paw. She was frozen in a large block of ice, a thin pool of water spreading out below it. At the bottom of the block, the ice was cut in a serrated manner.

3 Commenti

  1. Michela
    giovedì, 19 Maggio 2011 alle 19:50 Rispondi

    Fantastico :D
    Qua ce ne sono altre, ne pubblica una ogni tanto, sempre in inglese :)

  2. Love and Books
    giovedì, 19 Maggio 2011 alle 19:55 Rispondi

    Grazie del passaggio, il tuo blog è interessante. Ti linko tra gli amici, ciao!!

  3. Daniele Imperi
    giovedì, 19 Maggio 2011 alle 21:05 Rispondi

    @Michela: ecco, quella pagina non la conoscevo :)

    @Love and Books: grazie :)

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